Dr. David Epstein DDS MSD is a retired Pediatric Dentist with over 50 years of experience in the field. Although he is no longer practicing dentistry, he continues to make a significant impact in the industry as the founder of Wonderful Dental. The company specializes in creating dental products with exceptional flavors and superior properties that make oral care more enjoyable and effective.

Dr. Epstein's academic journey began with a degree in Engineering from the University of Wisconsin, followed by a degree in Mathematics. He then went on to earn his Doctor of Dental Surgery and Master's Degree in Pediatric Dentistry from Indiana University. In 1970, Dr. Epstein joined the original Dental School Faculty at the University of Connecticut Health Center and established his private practice two years later, which grew into a group practice with five Pediatric Dentists and two Orthodontists.

Throughout his career, Dr. Epstein focused on providing preventive care with an emphasis on active child and parent participation. He believed that a proactive approach to oral care was crucial to maintaining good dental health. His dedication and extensive knowledge have made him a respected leader in the dental community.

Dr. Epstein's innovative approach to dental care has revolutionized the industry, and his company, Wonderful Dental, has become a trusted name in the field. His emphasis on creating dental products that not only provide superior oral care but also taste great has made oral care more enjoyable for patients. Dr. Epstein's contributions to the field of dentistry will continue to have a lasting impact, and his dedication to making oral care more effective and enjoyable will inspire future generations of dentists.

Blue sky with a bunch of clouds
Hills and mountains in the background
A couple of trees and bushes, fence, grass, and a part of the house in the background
A picture of money character chasing a wolf with scissors
An illustration of an old soaked piece of paper(blue sky color)
A highlight that goes around 'honestly priced' illustration
A highlight that goes around 'made with love' illustration
A highlight that goes around 'developed by dentist' illustration
A dollar character
Honestly Priced title
A heart character
Made with Love title
A dentist character
Developed by Dr. Epstein title
An illustration of our advantages over others(honestly priced, developed by dentist, made with love)
Honestly priced, developed by dentist, made with love captions
A flag that is located under the 'how we are different' lottie title of the section


Fluoride varnish

What Makes Our Varnish Better?

Super Tasty

Our flavors are made by ice cream makers

Applies Smoother

Our silky formula means no more clumping

Maximum uptake

Exceptional fluoride uptake across a mesh grid

Made in the USA

Support an independent family-owned business

Invented by a Dentist

Dr. David Epstein practiced 45 years as a Pediatric Dentist; wonderful is part of his lifetime pursuit for improvement from hands-on experience

Costs less

At $0.50/dose, wonderful is the most affordable varnish on the market

Prophy paste

What Makes Our Paste Better?

No Dyes

Dyes are a messy additive that alters the consistency of paste

No Fluoride

Fluoride makes paste to be more bitter and the uptake is negligible during polishing. Many families wish to avoid this additive

No Titanium Dioxide

Titanium dioxide is used as a white dye. It makes paste harder to rinse off and causes splatter

Costs less

$25/200 cups means industry best quality at a fraction the cost.

Tastes Great

Our flavors are made by ice cream makers

Developed by a Dentist

Dr. David Epstein practiced 45 years as a Pediatric Dentist; Wonderful is part of his lifetime pursuit for improvement from hands-on experience

How are we better?

Fewer additives make families happy.

In crafting our prophy paste, we believe in a 'less is more' philosophy. We've eliminated additives such as fluoride that aren't essential. Not only does this decision enhance the taste, it also respects the preferences of families who choose to avoid fluoride. We're all about reducing friction, big or small.

Less patient pushback means no more yuck responses.

We see flavor as a cornerstone, not an afterthought, in our products. Instead of masking unwanted tastes, we aim to create flavors that make kids happy from the get-go. Our goal is a deliciously smooth experience for our youngest critics.

Increase performance by removing cosmetic additives.

We've waved goodbye to artificial dyes and Titanium Dioxide. The unnecessary addition of TiO2 complicates the consistency of prophy paste and damages the integrity of the pumice simply to bleach it white solely to make the dyes look better. With no artificial colors, we simply don't need Titanium Dioxide either. The result is a product that performs better and rinses off easier.

Thousands of happy offices. Read our reviews and see why.

The meticulous care we invest into our products is mirrored in the glowing reviews from dental offices across the country. For us, it's more than just delivering quality products. It's a reflection of our commitment, integrity, and the value we inject into every single item we create.

Read our reviews >

How do we charge less?

Cutting out the middlemen saves you money.

Traditional dental product distribution operates on a complex, inefficient supply chain that increases costs. The significant markups you see reflect expenses such as shipping, logistics, dental reps' commissions, and supply house overheads. Brands sell their products at wholesale prices to dental supply houses, which then amplify the price 2-3X. Because of these inflated costs and the need to preserve their relationship with supply houses, brands can't simply bypass the system and sell directly without jeopardizing their business.

Discount online suppliers are resellers. You still pay more.

Transitioning to online suppliers might seem innovative, but they're still entangled in the same wholesale/retail chain. While they save on some overheads—fewer sales reps, lower administrative and advertising costs, smaller staff—they still need to apply substantial markups for their profit. Brands get a bigger slice of the margin pie, but they're still forced to keep their prices close to those of dental supply houses to avoid conflict.

They fool you. Deals are baked into retail margins.

The lure of deals like 2-for-1 or heavy discounts can seem attractive, but they're often just a smokescreen. Such tactics are essentially tricks to embed higher margins into the pricing structure. In reality, these 'deals' may result in offices paying more when purchasing at full retail price. The initial price is often inflated, so even with a discount or a buy-one-get-one-free offer, the supplier and the brand still secure a substantial profit. It's a clever play within the retail/wholesale framework designed to make you think you're getting a bargain, when in fact, you might be paying more than necessary.

No tricks. Just simple and honest savings.

Our company offers a revolutionary alternative. Driven by a direct-only business model, we minimize overheads and reduce markups, translating to authentic savings for dental offices. Our low margins reflect a commitment to value over profit, the ethos of Wonderful Dental, founded by veteran Pediatric Dentist, Dr. Epstein. Our business thrives not on profit maximization but on the shared success of our partners—dental offices and their patients who love our products. This model, coupled with the positive feedback we receive, affirms that we've cracked the code to a fairer, more effective supply chain.