7 Healthcare Digital Marketing Tactics for Dental Practices

Tere Jimenez 8 minutes read

Today's patients are digital natives, armed with smartphones and an insatiable appetite for information. They're reading reviews, scrolling through social media, and making decisions based on what they see online.

This shift presents both a challenge and an opportunity for dental practices like yours.

This is why medical practice online promotion has become an essential tool for so many dental practices looking to thrive in a competitive landscape. The modern patient is online, which means you’ll need a strong online presence and some strategic healthcare digital marketing tactics that can revolutionize your dental practice's online presence and patient acquisition strategies.

From healthcare social media strategies to AI-powered chatbots, these tactics will help you stay ahead of the curve and build a thriving practice.

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7 Healthcare Digital Marketing Tactics for Dental Practices

1. Embracing Video Marketing

Healthcare content marketing through video allows you to showcase your services in a visual and engaging manner. Imagine a potential patient watching a short clip of a teeth whitening procedure or a dental implant being placed.

This visual demonstration not only educates but also alleviates fears and builds trust. Moreover, video content is highly shareable, increasing your chances of reaching a wider audience through social media platforms.

Consider producing short educational videos explaining common dental procedures, patient testimonials sharing their positive experiences, or even behind-the-scenes glimpses of your practice to humanize your brand. You could also create virtual tours of your office, introducing your team and showcasing your state-of-the-art equipment.

The possibilities are endless with healthcare digital marketing through video — if you need, you can look to our Instagram for inspiration to get you started.

2. 24/7 Appointment Scheduling Assistance Via Chatbots

In the realm of healthcare digital marketing, chatbots are revolutionizing the way dental practices create patient engagement online. It also helps offer simple telemedicine promotion efforts without having to hire an entire customer support team. AI-powered assistants are available 24/7, ready to answer questions and schedule appointments even when your office is closed.

Chatbots can handle routine inquiries, freeing up your staff to focus on more complex tasks. They provide instant responses, satisfying the modern patient's desire for immediate information. And perhaps most importantly, they offer convenience, allowing patients to schedule appointments at any time that suits them – even if that's 2 AM on a Sunday.

As you gather data on patient interactions, you can continually refine and expand your chatbot's capabilities. Remember, the goal is to enhance, not replace, human interaction. A well-implemented chatbot can significantly improve patient experience and operational efficiency, making it a valuable addition to your healthcare digital marketing strategy.

3. Utilizing Email Marketing Campaigns

Don't let anyone tell you email is dead – in the world of healthcare digital marketing, it's alive and kicking! Digital marketing for healthcare, particularly email marketing, remains one of the most effective ways for dental practices to stay connected with patients, nurture relationships, and drive appointments.

It's personal, it's direct, and when done right, it can yield impressive results.

In addition to regular newsletters, pay-per-click can effectively keep patients informed about practice news, dental health tips, and special offers. (Marketers typically call these health-related PPC campaigns so when you have a marketer talking in letters and not English, know this is what they mean!)

Automated appointment reminders can reduce no-shows and last-minute cancellations. You could even create a series of educational emails for new patients, guiding them through what to expect in their dental journey.

Use patient data to tailor your messages – a reminder about a six-month check-up will be much more effective than a generic "time for a dentist visit" email. Keep your content valuable and relevant, and always include a clear call to action.

4. Personalized Treatment Reminders

Personalized treatment reminders are a prime example of how tailored communication can improve patient care and retention when it comes to healthcare digital marketing. These aren't your run-of-the-mill "time for a check-up" messages, but more customized notifications that speak directly to each patient's specific needs and treatment history.

Imagine a patient who recently had a crown placed receiving a reminder about proper care and maintenance. Or a patient with a history of periodontal issues getting tailored advice and encouragement for their home care routine.

Reminders should be helpful and informative, not intrusive or overwhelming. Consider the frequency and timing of your reminders, and always provide an easy way for patients to adjust their preferences or opt out if they wish.

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5. Leveraging Influencer Partnerships

Who says influencer marketing is just for fashion and lifestyle brands? In the world of healthcare digital marketing, local health and wellness bloggers, fitness enthusiasts, or even other healthcare professionals in complementary fields can help your practice reach new audiences, boost your credibility, and humanize your brand.

They can share their personal experiences with your practice, demystify dental procedures, and promote the importance of oral health in a relatable way.

When identifying potential influencers, look for individuals whose values align with your practice and who have a genuine interest in health and wellness. Local influencers can be particularly valuable, as they can help you target patients in your specific area.

Once you've identified potential partners, approach them with a clear proposal outlining how you'd like to collaborate. This could involve sponsored posts, social media takeovers, or even in-person events at your practice.

6. Implementing Frequently Asked Question Schemas

Don't let the technical term scare you off – Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) schemas are simply a way of structuring your website's content to make it easier for search engines and voice assistants like Siri to understand and use.

Frequently Asked Question schemas are particularly valuable for dental practices because they align perfectly with the question-and-answer format of many voice searches. When you implement Frequently Asked Question schemas on your website, you're essentially giving search engines a roadmap to your content, increasing the chances that your answers will be pulled for voice search results.

Creating and implementing Frequently Asked Question schemas might sound complex, but it's simpler than you might think. Start by identifying the most common questions your patients ask. Create clear, concise answers to these questions. Then, use schema markup (a type of code) to structure this information on your website. Many content management systems have plugins that can help with this process, or you can work with your web developer to implement it correctly.

7. Retargeting Website Visitors with Tailored Ads

Let's face it – not every website visitor is ready to book an appointment on their first visit, and that’s okay. That doesn't mean they're a lost cause.

Enter retargeting, a powerful healthcare digital marketing strategy that allows you to keep your practice top-of-mind for potential patients who've shown interest but aren't quite ready to commit.

Retargeting works by placing a small piece of code (often called a pixel) on your website. When a visitor comes to your site, this code drops an anonymous browser cookie. Later, when this tagged visitor browses other websites, you can show them tailored ads for your dental practice.

The beauty of retargeting is its precision; you're not casting a wide net hoping to catch new patients but focusing your efforts on people who have already expressed interest in your services. This targeted approach often leads to higher conversion rates and a better return on your advertising investment.

When creating retargeting ads in healthcare digital marketing specifically, think about what might motivate a hesitant patient to take action. Special offers, patient testimonials, or educational content addressing common dental fears could all be effective.

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